Select this to have the digitizer only grab the Even fields.
Select this to have the digitizer only grab the Odd fields.
Select this to have the digitizer decide which Field(s) it grabs.
Not Available because there were no Sound Inputs found. Something ain't "Kosher here" kids.
Currently your default sound input (set in Monitors & Sound or Sound Input Control Strip) is being used. You Should only use this if your Audio Input settings are not "Sticking".
Not Available because there were no Sound Inputs found and the Audio Settings dialog Audio input source will be used. Something ain't "Kosher here" kids.
Currently the Audio Settings dialog was used to define your Sound Input source. G3 users should check mark this to force the default sound input (set in Monitors & Sound or Sound Input Control Strip) to be used.
Select this to define post compression options, the default folder - hard drive for where to save captured video or Snap Shot Picts and the Sound Chunk size parameter.
Select this to Grab a screen snap shot Pict of the Video Window at it's current size and at your monitor color depth (ie at 256 or thousands or millions of colors).
Select this to define a user defined height and width for the area you want for cropping.
Use this to define a 320x240 Crop for cropping.
Use this to define a 240x180 Crop for cropping.
Use this to define a 160x120 area for cropping.
Uncheck this to turn Off Cropping.
Disabled because cropping is not supported with this Digitzer, your Video window is too small or you haven't opened the video window yet.
Check this to turn on Cropping. Cropping allows you to select a smaller area within the Video window that is to be displayed or captured when you record.
Uncheck this to Start displaying video.
Not available because there is no Video Window up (select Open Video Window first or bring it to the foreground) or your using the Xclaim VR which has live video pass through.
Check this to Stop displaying video (this does not "freeze frame" the video, it just turns it off).
Select this to record video and audio to a QuickTime Movie. Clicking the mouse button stops recording and the Movie will appear.
Check this to have your video displayed at 640x480 size.
Check this to have your video displayed at 512x384 size.
Check this to have your video displayed at 320x240 size.
Check this to have your video displayed at 240x180 size.
Check this to have your video displayed at 160x120 size.
Uncheck this to Not have the MVC display the megabytes of free space left during capture.
Check this to have the MVC display the megabytes of free space left during capture.
Uncheck this to have MVC NOT display the video during capture, which may improve the video capture rate.
Check this to have MVC display the video during capture. This can cause the video rate capture rate to slow down or "stutter", especially for some of Apple's earlier AV Macs.
Uncheck this to record to the memory within MVC. You should have MVC's Prefered size set to about 4 megs less than all the available memory in your Mac. This has no affect unless Record to Ram is checked.
Check this if to record to temporary memory, which is the available memory that no application (including MVC) or the System is currently using. This has no affect unless Record to Ram is checked.
Uncheck this to record to your Hard Drive rather than Ram.
Not available because your using Quicktime 2.5 and are recording Audio to a separate file (set in the Preferences… dialog below). You must uncheck the "Save Audio to" item in the Preferences Dialog to Record to Ram.
Check this to record to Ram rather than to your Hard Drive. You should only be recording to Ram if your doing short video clips and want very high - accurate frame rates.
Select this to change the Audio Settings, such as Gain, Source and Capture parameters. The VGM button can change Audio settings (click on one & use the Left-Right Arrow keys to adjust - M Mutes it).
Not available because there is no Video Window up (select Open Video Window first or bring it to the foreground).
Select this to change the Video Settings, such as the Image (brightness), Source (S-VHS) and Capture (Codec) parameters. The HSBCS button can change Image settings (click on one & use the Left-Right Arrow keys to adjust).
Select this to Graph the variability of individual movie frames.
Select this to get an analyses of the average frame rate, number of low and high frames and other parameters of the current movie. You can look for Dropped Frames after you've captured video with this.
Select this to get general information on the current movie, such as average frame rate, data rate, number of Audio - Video tracks and movie size.
Check this to have the current movie play so that fills the monitor.
Check this to have the current movie play at 1.95 Size, which will usually cause Video cards with Built In pixel doubling to "kick in" (like the XClaim VR card for Cinepak).
Check this to have the current movie play at Double size
Check this to have the current movie play at One & a Half size.
Check this to have the current movie play at Normal size.
Not available cause there is no movie window frontmost or the movie does not have a visual component to it.
Check this to have the current movie play at Half it's normal size.
Check this to have only ALL of a movie play when you hit the play button or press the Space Bar (bet ya didn't know that).
Check this to have only the currently selected portion of a movie play when you hit the play button or press the Space Bar (bet ya didn't know that).
Uncheck this to not have your movie loop back and forth.
Check this to have the current movie play forward and when it hits the end, play backwards and then go forward and then go backwards...
Uncheck this to not have your movie loop.
Check this to have the current movie loop (play from start to finish and then repeat), displaying the same sequence over and over and over...
You Guessed it. This Quits MyVideoCap. Are you Supprised?
Select this to specify your Preferences for Presenting a movie, such as High Quality Mode and the delay before starting or finishing playing a movie.
Select this to Present your movie, which hides the Menu Title bar, blackens the monitor, centers the movie and then plays it after a delay (use Present Prefs for specifying the delay).
Select this to close the frontmost window.
Not available because there is no Movie in the Clipboard to create a movie from.
Select this to create a new movie from a movie (or a selection of a movie) you've Copied. You can then Save it as a self contained movie or a reference movie.
Not available because you've got 5 or more movies up already.
Select this to open a movie.
Not Available because your Mac does not have a Video Digitzer card (or were not recognizing it) or the Video window is already open.